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Easter Fèis Bheag

Wee Fèis

6-10 April 2020

Book Now!

Mobile Compatible Booking Form Available under the Easter Fèis tab

Music, Games & Gaelic Artsplay Sessions for Ages 5-7

Tha Fèis na Càisg air a bhith ruith mar Fèis bhliadhnail theagaisg ceòl traidiseanta, dannsa, òrain Ghàidhlig agus drama airson duine òga aois 8-18 fad 25 bliadhna.

As dèidh ​Feis Bheag a ruith gu soirbheachail airson a' chiad uair ann an 2018 airson clann aois 5-7 tha sinn a' meudachadh gus clann aois 3 & 4 a thoirt a-steach cuideachd le Fèis Bheag Bhodach airson a' chiad uair ann an 2019. Gheibh a' chlann cothrom a bhith timcheall air ceòl traidseanta, blasad den Ghàidhlig fhaighinn, geamaichean a chluich,  òrain ionnsachadh agus rud beag ealain cuideachd!

Bidh Fèis na Càisge air a chumail 1-5 An Giblean 2019.


Bidh an Fhèis a chrìochneachadh le coinseart agus ‘s e fior dheagh chothrom a tha seo an cuid tàlant fhaicinn air an àrd ùrlar. Tha seo fosgailte do phàrantan, teaghlaich agus caraidean.





The Easter Fèis has been running as an annual festival of tuition in traditional music, dance, gaelic song and drama for young people aged 8-18 for 25 years. 


Following the success of the first Fèis Bheag in 2018 for 5-7 year olds, we are expanding to accommodate 3 to 4 year olds also with Fèis Bheag Bhìodach for the first time in 2019. The sessions will include music, gaelic arts play and games. Both local children and any visitors to the area are all very welcome.

This year's Easter Fèis runs from 6-10 April 2020


A Fèis participants’ concert on the afternoon of the final day is a showcase of many of the activities folk have been learning. This wonderful culmination of the Fèis is open to parents, family and friends.



Fèis Bheag (5 - 7 yo)

When? 6-10 April 2020. 10am - 12.30pm daily.

Where? Oban Primary Campus

How much? £45 

*New Mobile Version of booking form available from Fèis nan Càisg drop down menu*

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