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Argyll Cèilidh Trail CD
Bu thoil le Fèis Latharna  taing mhòr a thoirt don a h-uile duine a thug cuideachadh dhuinn airson a' chlàradh seo. Gu h-sònraichte, ar luchd-maoineachaidh, Finlay Wells aig Nutshell Music airson gach rud a thaobh clàradh agus Caitlin Soncahan airson obair-ealain.
Fèis Latharna would like to say a huge thank you to all who have helped in the producion of this project and in particular all of our funders, Finlay Wells at Nutshell Music for recording, mixing and mastering the tracks and Caitlin Sonachan for artwork. 
This 5 track EP includes a mixture of songs in Gaelic and English and lively tune sets.
The EP has been produced with funding support from Fèisean nan Gaidheal, Creative Scotland, Argyll & Bute Council, Bord na Gaidhlig and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Track List:
1.  New Yorker
2.  A Pheigi a Ghraidh
3. Pipe Set
4. The Long Black Beil
5. Puirt
Heather Fothergill: Guitar & Mandolin
Holli Scott: Fiddle
Kate MacPherson: Pipes, Whistles & Shaky Egg
Alex Houston: Guitar
Bronwen Davies: Fiddle
Isaac Stanesby: Accordion
James Divers: Pipes, Whistles & Lead Vocals
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-12 at 17.15.21_780fde0b.jpg
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