Mu ar deidhinn About us
Cothroman a thoirt do dhaoine òga a bhith an sàs ann an ceòl cànan agus cultar na Gàidhealtachd agus Latharna.
Tachartsan a chuir air dòigh agus a bhith ag obair le buidheann eile air pròiseactan mar a bhios iomchaidh
Fèis a chuir air dòigh gach bliadhna a tha a’ sealltainn amasan na fèise.
‘S e sgioba de dhaoine a tha ag obair saor-thoilleach a tha os cionn cùisean aig Fèis Latharna. Tha e na tlachd dhuinn gu bheil sinn a’ faighinn tòrr taic bhon choimhearsnachd agus tha sinn daonnan toilichte chluinntinn bho daoine a tha airson taic a thabhainn dhuinn.
Chaidh Fèis Latharna a thoiseachadh ann an 1994. Tha ballrachd againn le Fèisean nan Gàidheal agus bidh sinn a’ cumail Fèis aig àm na Càisg agus bidh sinn a’ ruith clasaichean ciùil a h-uile seachdain anns an Òbain.
Tha sinn air leth thaingeil gu bheil sinn a’ faighinn taic airgead bho diofar buidheannan. Tha seo deatamach dhan an Fhèis agus as aonais cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na tachartasan a ruith.
Cathraiche – David Macdonald
Iomhasair – Joanie Garvin
Rùnaire – Elisabeth Stevenson
To promote interest, education and participation in the traditional language, music and culture of the Gàidhealtachd and particularly that of the Lorn area.
To plan, programme and arrange activities on its own initiative, or with other local musical, arts and educational societies and organisations.
To plan, programme and present an annual tuition Festival structured to highlight the musical, cultural and educational objectives of the Fèis.
Run by a committee of volunteers and supported by local tutors, we are delighted to have such strong community support and are always happy to hear from anyone that's interested in getting involved.
Fèis Latharna has been operating its annual week of traditional music tuition in Oban since 1994. Under the umbrella of Portree based Fèisean nan Gaidheal, we are delighted to have been able to operate at a local level over the last 27 years. Events in the first few years were held in Park Primary School with local tutors helping out in a variety of instrument classes. More recently we have had the use of the larger Oban Primary Campus for our Easter Fèis which hosts 30 tutors and over 200 participants.
We are very fortunate to recieve funding from a number of sources. Our funding partners are essential to our projects and enable us to make our objectives a reality.
Chairperson: David Macdonald
Treasurer: Joanie Garvin
Secretary: Elisabeth Stevenson