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Fèis na Càisge | Easter Fèis

Easter Fèis | Oban Primary Campus | 14 - 17 April 2025 | 10-3.30 daily
Fèis na Càisge | Oban Primary Campus | 14 - 17 An Giblean 2025 | 10m-3:30 gach latha

Bidh Fèis Latharna a’ cumail ‘Fèis’ gach bliadhna aig àm na Càisg far am faigh daoine òga aois 8-18 an cothrom a bhith timcheall ceòl traidseanta. Bidh iad ag ionnsachadh diofar ionnstramaidean fad na seachdain agus bidh iad a’ faighinn blasad den Ghàidhlig.


Thèid clasaichean a’ ruith tron latha ach tha tòrr thachartsan air an cumail air an oidhche cuideachd leithid; taisbeanadh san taigh dealbh, oidhche na luchd-teagaisg agus ceilidh teaghlaich. Tha fìor dheagh thaghadh de dh’ ionnsramaidean, seinn agus ealain air a thabhainn agus tha iad freagarrach an dà chuid do luchd-ionnsachaidh agus sàr eòlaichean ciùil.


Bidh an Fhèis a crìochnachadh le consart nan com-pàirtichean agus ‘s e fior dheagh chothrom a tha seo an cuid tàlant fhaicinn air an àrd ùrlar.  Tha seo fosgailte do phàrantan, teaghlaich agus caraidean.

Cuin? A’ chiad seachdain do làithean-saora na Càisge. Eadar 10m agus 3.30f a h-uile latha. ’S ann 9.45m a bhios clàradh na fèise Diluain. 


Càite? Àrainn Bhun-sgoiltean an Òbain


Cosgais? £90 airson a’ chiad agus an dàrna phàiste às an aon teaghlach. Bidh gach pàiste bho aon teaghlach an-asgaidh às dèidh sin. 


Cia mheud cuspairean as urrainn do chompàitichean a dhèanamh? Bidh compàirtichean a’ dèanamh 4 chlasaichean san latha. ’S iad na h-aon 4 cuspairean, aig an aon àm, gach latha. Gheibhear an cothrom 4 chuspairean a thaghadh san fhoirm-iarrtais agus aon a bharrachd.  


Am faigh compàirtichean na clasaichean aca air fad a dhèanamh? Bidh sinn a’ feuchainn cho mòr ’s a ’s urrainn ach bidh e a-rèir cho mòr ’s a ’s urrainn don chlas a bhith, dè cho farsaing ’s a tha ìre-cluiche gach compàirtiche msaa. Mar as trice thèid na chlasaichean a thabhainn do na ciad daoine a chlàr an toiseach. 


Am bu chòir dhuinn ar n-ionnsramaidean fhèin a thoirt leinn? Chan fheum mura h-eil ionnsramaidean agaibh a-staigh. Ma tha ionnsramaid agaibh, bheir leibh iad le ur n-ainm fhèin orra. Tha banca beag de dh’ionnsramaidean againn as urrainn do chompàirtichean a dhèanamh feum dhe ach mas urrainn dhuibh ur n-ionnsramaidean fhèin a thoirt leibh, bhiodh sinn fada nur comain.  


Am bu chòir dhuinn bogsa-bìdh a thoirt leinn? Bu chòir. Bheir leibh a h-uile latha iad. Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ creic greimeanan-bìdh aig àm lòn. Na toir cnòthan leibh air eagal ’s gu bheil duine nach eil a’ gabhail riutha gu math.  

The Easter Fèis is an annual festival of tuition in traditional music, dance, gaelic song and drama for young people, aged 8 to 18. Both local children and any visitors to the area are all very welcome.

The Easter Fèis week consists of daytime classes followed by a range of evening events including a music session for advanced players and a family ceilidh. Everything from beginner sessions to advanced tuition is offered in a range of musical instruments, voice, shinty and craft.


When? During Easter holidays. 10am -3.30pm daily. Registration starts at 9.45am on Monday 14th and this year it ends on the Thursday 17th April.

Where? Oban Primary Campus

How much? Early bird booking is £90 before 25th Feb, thereafter rising to £105, for the 1st & 2nd child of one family. 3rd or more siblings are charged at half-price.

How many classes can participants attend? Participants will attend 4 classes each day. These will be the same 4, at the same times, each day. The booking form allow for 4 class choices plus one reserve, and you can state your experience which can be anything from absolute beginner to advanced. There are a small number of 'double' sessions for older or more experienced musicians.

Will participants definitely get the classes they choose? We strive to accommodate the preferences within classes of appropriate ability but it is not always possible due to the popularity of Easter Fèis - we recommend you book early!

Do we need to supply our own instruments? No but if you have access to (labelled) instruments then please bring them (with labels). We do keep a small stock but appreciate if participants can bring their own, and please let us know in the booking form!

My child has needs some support needs, can they attend? Yes, with planning we can make adjustments that will allow your child to fully participate. Contact us via if you have questions prior to booking or simply let us know in the booking form.

Do we need to bring a packed lunch? Yes. Please bring packed lunches daily. There will also be a tuckshop available at lunch times. Please do not bring nuts with packed lunches as other participants may have allergies.


There are 4 choices to make for each participant (plus a reserve option). There are limited numbers on each option and remaining places are shown on the booking form. Places are on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Easter Fèis needs at least 20 adult volunteers at any one time, please volunteer your time and share the load - thanks!


Click on the link to be taken to the booking form.

Please take your time with the booking form as there is lots of detail to capture, and then make the payment to secure your place using your child's surname so we can match the booking and payment. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at Rockfield Campus!

2025 Timetable at a Glance.png

Easter Fèis Tutors 

  • Darren Brown
  • Kirsty Clements
  • Brèagha Charlton
  • TBC 
  • TBC
  • Bronwen Davies
  • Edie Elliott
  • Anna Garvin
  • Michael Garvin
  • Joanie Garvin
  • Sarah Garvin
  • Denise Gemmell
  • Megan Henderson
  • Emma Hill 
  • Dylan Howe
  • Cameron Lawson
  • Seòras Lewis
  • TBC
  • Mairi MacCorquodale
  • Gregor MacDonald
  • Lorne MacDougall
  • Aaron McInnes
  • Gillie O' Flaherty
  • Sileas Sinclair 
  • Sophie Stephenson
  • Davy Walker
  • Finlay Wells

Fèis Latharna are delighted to have this incredible line up of talented, experienced tutors!!!

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It's such a joy to
hear all the children and see them streaming about enjoying music so much.

The kids loved the atmosphere, the music learning, the fun, the tutors, being with their friends and they are buzzing with Feis-ish-ness.

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Fèis Latharna is a Scottish Registered Charity SCIO 53345

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