Clasaichean Weekly Classes
Weekly Classes
Group classes are held on Saturdays and Tuesdays during term time and last half an hour each. They are available for 8-18 year olds of any ability from absolute beginner to advanced.
Saturday classes run from 10am - 1pm at a cost of £5 per half hour class. Classes are in the Oban & Kilmore Church Centre on Glencruitten Road but clàrsach lessons are online due to tutor availability.
Saturday classes are held in; Bagpipes, Clàrsach, Accordion, Guitar, Fiddle, and Whistle.
Pipe band drumming is on a Tuesday evening.
Instruments are available to borrow or hire:
Fiddle, Chanter, Guitar £5 per month
Clàrsach, Small Pipes and Accordion £15 per month
Tuesday pipe band drumming classes are from 4 to 7pm and last half an hour each, at a cost of £5 per half hour class, in the Oban Pipe Band Hall on Shore Street. There is no charge for hire of pads and sticks.
Fèis Latharna have a brilliant team of tutors, experienced in tutoring at every level and fully PVG certified.
TO BOOK EMAIL: saturdays@feislatharna.org including Tuesday drumming.
Bidh clasaichean ciùil a ‘ dol air adhart gach Disathairne tro teirm na sgoile agus mairidh gach clas uair a thìde a dh’ fhaid no leth-uair airson cuid de na clasaichean airson luchd-tòisichidh. ‘S ann eadar 10m-1f a tha na clasaichean a’ ruith agus bidh iad a’ cosg £5 gach clas 1/2 uair. Cleachd an fhoirm air an duilleag seo.