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 Clasaichean Weekly Classes

Weekly Classes

Group classes are held on Saturdays and Tuesdays during term time and last half an hour each. They are available for 8-18 year olds of any ability from absolute beginner to advanced.  


Saturday classes run from 10am - 1pm at a cost of £5 per half hour class. Classes are in the Oban & Kilmore Church Centre on Glencruitten Road but clàrsach lessons are online due to tutor availability. 

Saturday classes are held in; Bagpipes, Clàrsach, Accordion, Guitar, Fiddle, and Whistle.

Pipe band drumming is on a Tuesday evening.

Instruments are available to borrow or hire: 

Fiddle, Chanter, Guitar £5 per month

Clàrsach, Small Pipes and Accordion £15 per month

Tuesday pipe band drumming classes are from 4 to 7pm and last half an hour each, at a cost of £5 per half hour class, in the Oban Pipe Band Hall on Shore Street.  There is no charge for hire of pads and sticks.

Fèis Latharna have a brilliant team of tutors, experienced in tutoring at every level and fully PVG certified.  

TO BOOK EMAIL: including Tuesday drumming.


Bidh clasaichean ciùil a ‘ dol air adhart gach Disathairne tro teirm na sgoile agus mairidh gach clas uair a thìde a dh’ fhaid no leth-uair airson cuid de na clasaichean airson luchd-tòisichidh. ‘S ann eadar 10m-1f a tha na clasaichean a’ ruith agus bidh iad a’ cosg £5 gach clas 1/2 uair. Cleachd an fhoirm air an duilleag seo.

It's such a joy to
hear all the children and see them streaming about enjoying music so much.

The kids loved the atmosphere, the music learning, the fun, the tutors, being with their friends and they are buzzing with Feis-ish-ness.

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Fèis Latharna is a Scottish Registered Charity SCIO 53345

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