A few spaces are also available in other levels and we offer tuition in clàrsach, fiddle, whistle, accordion, guitar and chanter! Sign up by emailing:
Thairis air na beagan bliadhnaichean a chaidh seachad tha am facal air a thighinn gu bhith a’ ciallachadh gluasad nam Fèisean; grunnan fhèisean a bhios a’ teagasg nan ealain ann an Gàidhlig, gu h-àraid do dhaoine òg, ‘s a tha nis a’ dol air adhart air feadh Alba.
'S e a th’ ann am Fèis ach cothrom do dhaoine tighinn còmhla gus na sgilean aca sna h-ealain Gàidhlig a leasachadh– òrain, dannsa, dràma, agus ceòl traidiseanta air iomadh seòrsa ionnsramaid. Tha fàilte chrìdheil air a h-uile duine!
Fèis (plural Fèisean) is the Gaelic word for a festival or feast. However, over the past few years the word has become synonomous with the Fèis movement; a group of Gaelic arts tuition festivals, mainly for young people, which now take place throughout Scotland.
A Fèis is an opportunity for individuals to come together to develop skills in the Gaelic arts – song, dance, drama, and traditional music on a wide range of instruments. Tuition is accessible and fun, but professional and effective.
Watch the video below to see some of our Saturday class learners show off their skills!